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Our Brand Topfit

UPvc Profile

About Topift

TOPFIT uPVC Profiles was established in 2015. Since its establishment, the company has focused on the production of uPVC profiles for door s & windows and on the development and research of more new and environmental -friendly product s , which is one of the few large and medium- sized uPVC manufacturer s in Pakis tan and is an independent legal entity specializing in uPVC profiles and related products . It is the innovation, focus , and dedication of Pakistani people that have made Pakistan profiles develop steadily and continuously We provide TOPFIT profiles in internal market in multiple color s which can meet different architectural s ty les and various personal needs of the door and window materials .

Openable Windows

Working Since


We Consider Superior Quality as Our Responsibility

We pay attention to the small s tuff, scheduling of timelines and keen project management that makes us stand out from the rest We hire only seasoned, professional technicians with at leas t 5-15 year s’ experience and usually many more.

Welcome To the Greener Side

Step into the Greener Side, where a transformative solution awaits . In homes across Pakistan, old windows , doors contribute significantly to wasted energy – but we hold the key Modern awareness of environmental impact, coupled with rising energy costs , has prompted homeowner s to enhance their properties . From loft insulation to solar panels , the focus is on ‘green’ investments , particularly in energy – efficient windows and doors . Modern awareness of environmental impact, coupled with rising energy costs , has prompted homeowner s to enhance their properties . From loft insulation to solar panels , the focus is on ‘green investments , particularly in energy – efficient windows and doors .